Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Choosing Normal Activity!

With a new year come new resolutions: losing weight, reading the Bible more often, eating more healthy, finding a job, and the list can go on and on and on... however, unless that resolution is made because it threatens something important most people will give up within the first month.

January is over and I've chosen a new path which does not have a shortcut. I choose to invest in the body that God gave me. 

The Bible says: “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body? (I Corinthians 6:19, 20). When this question is presented in the Bible, many people read it and give it a spiritual spin and think that what Paul is asking refers only to taking care of your body spiritually and I do not disagree with them. However, our eating habits in America need to change. Many people eat out more than once a day, and medium is the new small. I think is time for us to choose to be active. Continue to eat, but eat well, more vegetables, less fried foods. One of my workout bodies told me to eat five times a day. I was surprised! I am lucky if I eat twice a day. Keep in mind that the portions to eat during these meals are moderate and not SUPER SIZE. 

The Bible does have some help in this matter, if we want to take advantage of it. Dr Ann Gatty’s book,Discovering God’s Recipe for a Healthy Body, Heart, & Soul shares food consumption strategies outlined in Leviticus and Deuteronomy and clearly explains how to eat food that is better for the body, including easy tips on how to manage your time so you can get all your tasks completed in a more efficient manner. It includes delicious recipes for each meal of the day to invigorate eating habits.  

Another way to take care of our bodies is to get active and exercise. I do not mean that we are going to PUMP up and look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie "Terminator". Let's start by getting up and walking around more often. Begin an exercise routine. Do it with a friend! Let exercise become a normal activity everyday!

Don't forget to rest. Americans are some of the most sleep deprived individuals in the world. Your body needs 8-10 hours of rest at night. Allow your batteries to recharge, so that you can be productive the next day.

My choice for the year 2013, began with a visit to my doctor's office and the realization that sitting behind my desk and not exercising was not going to get me the results that I want to achieve.... say it with me: "I choose NORMAL ACTIVITY!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Choosing Deafness!

"There are times in life when you should pretend to be deaf, so you won't hear what people say about you."
Roxy Antonio

Today, before I stepped out of my car, the song "Jesus Friend of Sinners" by Casting Crowns came on the radio and I wanted so bad to just seat in my car and let it minister to me. The song speaks of how the world sometimes cannot come to Jesus because of the way we act and how we judge others. I walked away from my car still singing the song and asking God to give me strength to face this day, little did I know that I was going to need that strength before I reached the building. I met a coworker as I was coming in and she told me that one of my coworkers had said some ugly remarks about me. I felt betrayed.

If you know me, you know that I am a very easy going person. I love my job and I like the people that I work with; however, I sometimes need to be deaf so that I won't hear the comments or remarks that people sometimes make about me.

I want to ask today for God to allow me to choose deafness not to hear those that have chosen not to speak to me, but about me and to give me strenght to demonstrate His love always. Today, I want to chose to ignore the hipocrisy and I embrace the love that God gives me unconditionally. Today, I also promise to chose my words carefully so that I will not repeat the same mistake my coworkers made. Gossip is not uncommon in an office setting, but we are responsible whether we contain the rumors or continue to spread them. Psalm 39:1 says “I will guard my ways so that I may not sin with my tongue..." and because I profess to praise a God that is alive, I will heed the counsel of the book of James 1:26 which reads: "If anyone thinks he is religious without controlling his tongue, then his religion is useless and he deceives himself."

My prayer today is that if you have read this blog and are facing a similar situation with family members or at work, to remember that your strength is obtained through prayer. Your human feelings may betray you and you might want to lash out at the person that is speaking about you, but remember choose deafness, choose prayer, gain strength!